Business Audit Session - Miss Unconventional LLC

Book your Business Audit Session with Kierra Asnauskas now.

Duration: 30 minutes
Name: *
Email: *
Cell Phone: *
The purpose of this form is to gather as much information about you and your business as I can so that our work together can be tailored to your specific needs. Please be as detailed as possible

What is the name and nature of your business?

{"type":"textarea","name":"__generic","width":100,"value":"","size":"Normal","validation":"NE","validationMessage":"Please fill in this item.","height":80,"placeholder":""}

Which of the following do you need help with?

{"type":"checkbox","name":"__generic2","width":100,"value":"","size":"Normal","validation":"C1","validationMessage":"Please check at least one item.","options":"Productivity & Business Systems\nMarketing\nBusiness Strategy\nNew Products/Offers\nBranding \nWebsite Design\nOther"}

Please take a moment to describe your ideal client:

{"type":"textarea","name":"__generic3","width":100,"value":"","size":"Normal","validation":"NE","validationMessage":"Please fill in this item.","height":80,"placeholder":""}

What problem will you solve for them? 

{"type":"textarea","name":"whyCoachingWorkingOn","width":100,"value":"","size":"Normal","validation":"NE","validationMessage":"Gosh, if your answer to this is empty we might want to wrap up early!","height":120,"placeholder":"A list of items, or a few paragraphs. Feel free to get DETAILED."}

Describe your current business model:

{"type":"textarea","name":"__generic4","width":100,"value":"","size":"Normal","validation":"NE","validationMessage":"Please fill in this item.","height":80,"placeholder":"How is your business currently structured?"}

Describe your IDEAL business model:

{"type":"textarea","name":"__generic5","width":100,"value":"","size":"Normal","validation":"NE","validationMessage":"Please fill in this item.","height":80,"placeholder":"What changes would you like to make to your business model (if any)."}

What is your preferred communication style?

{"type":"checkbox","name":"__generic6","width":100,"value":"","size":"Normal","validation":"C1","validationMessage":"Please check at least one item.","options":"Zoom \nGoogle Meet\nEmail\nMobile Phone"}

What's the MOST IMPORTANT thing you want to gain from working together?

{"type":"textarea","name":"__generic7","width":100,"value":"","size":"Normal","validation":"NE","validationMessage":"Please fill in this item.","height":80,"placeholder":""}

NOTE: Thank you for your detailed answers.  I look forward to working with you on this! Please note, there is a $100 non-refundable charge for this "Business Audit Session". If you choose to work with Miss Unconventional, LLC, this charge will be credited to any program you choose. If you miss our call without providing at least a 24-hour notice, you will not receive a refund. If you need to reschedule and you request that at least 24 hours before the call, you will not have to pay this fee again. Thank you for understanding and I look forward to working with you.

Almost done! Please enter your payment information to complete your purchase.

You will be billed immediately $100.00.

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