Elevate Your Competitive Edge - Integrated Peak Performance Bus. Consulting

Book your 30 Minute Debrief and Summary Session with Alvin Brown now.

Duration: 30 minutes
Name: *
Email: *
Cell Phone: *
Hi client,

Welcome to the "Elevate Your Competitive Edge" program by Personal Mastery Training. Before we embark on this transformative eight-week journey together, it is vital to assess your readiness and commitment to fully engage in the program. Your dedication and active participation will be key factors in achieving your goals. Please take a few moments to complete the following self-assessment:

1. What are your primary motivations for joining the program, and what specific goals do you aim to achieve through "Elevate Your Competitive Edge"?
{"type":"textarea","name":"__generic","width":100,"value":"","size":"Normal","validation":"","validationMessage":"Please fill in this item.","height":80,"placeholder":""}

2. On a scale of 1 to 10, rate your current level of commitment to dedicating time and effort towards improving your mental game and enhancing your competitive edge.
   012345678910{"type":"select","name":"__generic2","width":100,"value":"","size":"Normal","validation":"","validationMessage":"Please make a selection for this item.","options":"0\n1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n9\n10"}

3. Reflect on any previous experiences where mental obstacles have hindered your performance in competitions. How do you perceive the impact of mindset on your overall success?
   {"type":"textarea","name":"__generic3","width":100,"value":"","size":"Normal","validation":"","validationMessage":"Please fill in this item.","height":80,"placeholder":""}

4. Are you willing to actively engage in mindset coaching, goal setting exercises, visualization techniques, and other mental conditioning activities as part of the program?
   {"type":"checkbox","name":"__generic4","width":100,"value":"","size":"Normal","validation":"","validationMessage":"Please check at least one item.","options":"YES \nNO"}

5. How do you envision incorporating the learnings and tools from this program into your existing bodybuilding training routine with your coach?
{"type":"textarea","name":"__generic5","width":100,"value":"","size":"Normal","validation":"","validationMessage":"Please fill in this item.","height":80,"placeholder":""}

Your honest responses will help tailor the program to best suit your needs and ensure that you get the most out of this journey towards mastery over your mind and competitive performance. Let's work together to elevate your mindset and achieve new heights in your athletic pursuits.

Awesome! This helps a ton to give me what I need to tailor this just for you. 

See you on the other side,


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