Recovery Naturally Customized Care - Strong start 2.5 months - Recovery Naturally, LLC

Book your Initial Coaching Session with Lise Battaglia now.

Duration: 2 hours
Name: *
Email: *
Cell Phone: *

Your First Session is booked!   Please take NO MORE THAN 5 MINUTES to answer the following 3 questions.  Just a quick brain dump to give us a primary focus for our call.

Have you filled out the  Release and History Form?

{"type":"checkbox","name":"__generic","width":100,"value":"","size":"Normal","validation":"C1","validationMessage":"Please check at least one item.","options":"Yes\nNo"}

Take a moment to have water or a beverage by your side. You do a lot of talking, and I do a lot of listening. Might as well be comfortable. 

{"type":"checkbox","name":"__generic2","width":100,"value":"","size":"Normal","validation":"C1","validationMessage":"Please check at least one item.","options":"Yes! I am ready and comfortable."}

Since our discovery call and your completion of the History Form have you noticed anything else you would like to share?

{"type":"textarea","name":"preSessionStuck","width":100,"value":"","size":"Normal","validation":"NE","validationMessage":"Really? If so, please just proudly declare that you are ON FIRE. :)","height":80,"placeholder":"No matter how good things are going, there's usually some little thing, right?"}

Be sure to mark this complete so that I get it before our session.  Talk to you soon.

Almost done! Please enter your payment information to complete your purchase.

You will be billed immediately $750.00.