Immediate, free access to my Client Support System, including Direct Messaging - Briana Jacoba


Immediate access to a system for direct-messaging me

Message me your qualms, peeves, and queries...

No pressure to sign up for a Sales Conversation - we can do a lot over messages!


Self-paced homestudy to prepare you to get the most out of facilitation of any kind.
Five brief research assignments. 

Complete course can be done in 5 * 20 minutes.


The option to establish a baseline misery-metric AND likely causes

E.g. # of girlfriend-nags per day + supposed topic;

OR # of hours ruminating + what factors affected it;

OR lovelife happiness quotient + what made you want to play video games instead of live today;

Misery-metrics allow us measure trends and causes of improvement without getting overly excited or needing optimism or goal-setting. 

I guarantee improvement on whatever metric we go for as a team, if you end up hiring me.

Proceed to register
