
Deleting Agreements

To delete an Agreement for one of your clients, first bring up their Client Manager (do this by clicking the gear icon for a given client as found in a Clients listing).

From there, find the Agreement in the Agreements sub-menu on the left.

Once you're viewing it, delete the Agreement by clicking the trash icon found in the lower right corner:

Team Considerations

If you don't see Agreements at all or don't see the trash icon, this might be a matter of you lacking the necessary permissions to view and/or delete Agreements, either with your own clients or the clients of other coaches.

In a given team member's Permissions, there are five pertain to Agreements. 

Under the first permissions section, a coach can be allowed to:
  • Issue Agreements to their clients, and/or
  • Delete their clients' agreed-to Agreements


Note: a coach must have the ability to issue Agreements in order to delete them.

Under the Legal Management section, the related items are:
  • Share Agreement Templates with the rest of the team and issue Agreements to all clients
  • Receive notifications of all Agreements when completed
  • Delete agreed-to Agreements


In the same way as the first pair, a coach cannot be given permission to delete Agreements unless they've got the ability to share and issue Agreements.