

Here's Offerings, in a nutshell:


You, as a coach, have things that you offer up to the world.  Offerings allows you to let people sign up and/or pay for those things from your own website or by following your links.


A given Offering that you set up within CoachAccountable can have any/all of these components:

  1. Scheduling an Appointment
  2. Membership in a Group
  3. Participation in a Course
  4. An intake/onboarding Worksheet to fill out
  5. An Agreement for clients to agree to
  6. An Engagement that entails an allocation of appointments and/or a payment plan

These can be complimentary, or you can choose to charge money up front for any or all of these services.


Once configured, make your Offering available to your prospective clients by either embedding it as a widget on your website OR linking to it from your website/newsletter/social media posts/etc.


Thanks to the various components you can mix and match, Offerings are not just a scheduling system for attracting new customers, but also function as a simple e-commerce system for selling your coaching programs.  This allows you to design a rich mix of services, allowing you to meet your new and established clients where they're at.  For an in depth lesson on this, see this webinar titled Designing Your Business Model:



The articles within this collection will tell you everything you need to know about setting up your own Offerings and making them available to your clients, and to whet your appetite for all they are capable of, here's a video showing how you can set up an Offering in just 2 minutes and 14 seconds:




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