Would you like to print something from CA, either into a PDF or a physically printed item?
Press Alt+Shift+P on your keyboard, and the system will smartly load up for printing whichever section you've currently got open.
When you have one or more pop-up windows open, the system will print the topmost one. When you're looking at a given section on, say, a client page, the system will print the visible one out.
It won't work for all sections (for example, one that has a card listing of items isn't really fitting for a print job), but should work in areas you expect it to.
Also, in Past Appointments, you can click the Print button (next to "Download as CSV") to generate a nice tidy report of past appointments and print to PDF or through your printer.
Also, in Past Appointments, you can click the Print button (next to "Download as CSV") to generate a nice tidy report of past appointments and print to PDF or through your printer.
Note that this Alt+Shift+P trick may only work for English language keyboards.