
Key Insights

Session Notes are a gift to your clients: a written account of what you feel mattered from the sessions you've had.

CoachAccountable allows you two modes of composing Session Notes:
  1. Free-style writing (which admits formatting like bold, bulleted lists, and even the addition of images and other media)
  2. Form-Based Worksheets that can be filled out (which serves for standardized documenting of routine elements).
To augment either approach, or to replace them both outright, your Session Notes can consist of one or more Key Insights.

Key Insights are just that: short and sweet one-liners that are the most distilled essence of what you want your client to remember.

Key Insights represent the highlight reel of your sessions; the nuggets of wisdom and touch points that allow recall of the important parts.  If your clients review nothing but those, they'll be left present to the lion's share of what mattered in their work with you.

Configuring Key Insights

Visit Settings >> My Style >> Coaching Work >> Key Insights to configure if and how Key Insights are part of the way you compose Session Notes:


When choosing to enable Key Insights, you'll be able to position them above or below the main composing area.

If your style is that Key Insights will generally be the whole of what you'll be writing up (which keeps things wickedly efficient and to the point!) you may choose to hide the free-style compose window by default.  (Rest assured, whenever working with Form-Based Session Notes those will still show.)

Writing Key Insights

Assuming you've got them enabled, you'll find the interface to write Key Insights whenever you go to add or edit any of your Session Notes, appearing above or below.

For example, here's what they look like above:


If you've opted to hide the free-style compose window by default, you'll find a link by which to quickly bring it back:


This allows you the option to add more detailed content in addition to whatever Key Insights, whenever desired.

Reviewing Key Insights

When you compose your Session Notes consisting of Key Insights, they'll be prominently displayed up top, ready for an at-a-glance review.  Better yet, any Key Insights you add as part of your Session Notes are automatically collected in their own section, ripe for review and searching by you and your clients.


Starring Key Insights

Over time Key Insights will naturally accumulate into an ever larger collection.  The most recent ones are commonly the ones for your client to focus on, BUT many will have an evergreen quality to them, too!

In practice, and because we humans have limited bandwidth for attention, one can only really attend to (and be putting into practice) a handful of Key Insights at a time.

To support this, both you and your clients can "star" any given Key Insight, having it stand out as something to the tune of "THIS is what there is to focus on and stay present to this week."

Starring a Key Insight is as simple as hovering your mouse over it and clicking the star icon that appears over the usual circle on the left side:


(To un-star, simply click that star icon again.)

To bring starred Key Insights to the forefront, you and your clients can either click the "Show starred" toggle button at the top of the listing, or sort by "Starred":


As the weeks go by, it's a powerful practice to peruse and choose what Key Insights should be starred this week.  Either do that with your clients as you wrap your sessions, or encourage them to do so on their own.  Your clients will be delighted by the sort of focus and presence this practice brings, and whatever is starred in a given week makes an excellent touch point for your subsequent sessions (i.e. asking how those went as a particular focus for the week).