

As a coaching relationship progresses, insights, declarations, and results will naturally accrue.

Will these things be forgotten, merely flash-in-the-pan with no lasting impact?  Or with they stick around, to be remembered, truly integrated, used for a reference of then-and-now progress and built upon?

The default state in coaching is that whatever was created last session is pushed out of awareness by whatever is created in the current one.  Absent structure to record and re-presence past creations, this is a natural consequence of human awareness.

Enter Reflections

Reflections are your way to have CoachAccountable automatically insert insights, answers to questions, and results that were recorded earlier into subsequent work and content, allowing both you and your clients to stay aware of and build upon whatever was created earlier.  This steers coaching relationships towards continuity and progress that builds (as contrasted with always starting from a blank slate, dealing only with the moment thus losing sight of the bigger picture).

With Reflections, scenarios like these are possible with CoachAccountable automatically doing the heavy lifting of finding and filling in the blanks:

In a Worksheet for your client:
"Over the past 4 weeks, your weekly sales have been $____, $____, $____ and $____.  How are you feeling about your progress during that time?"

When you are filling out Session Notes:
"Coming into this Session, [clientFirstName] said they most wanted help this week with _____________."

When your client is filling out a post-session wrap up:
"Coming into this session you said you were most excited to get guidance around ______________.  What is your outlook around that now, going forward?"

When filling out a routine tracking form:
"Yesterday, you meditated for ___ minutes.
What's your number for today?"

or, if they entered a zero or didn't report:

"It looks like you didn't meditate yesterday.  No worries, you can get right back into the habit today!"

As part of the content in a Course:
"On Day 1 you said the breakthrough you were most interested in getting was this:

Three weeks in, how is that going now?"

You can place a Reflection in almost every context that you're composing with the CA WYSIWYG editor.

The ability to automatically re-presence the words and results of your clients in subsequent interactions is powerful, perhaps even a game changer.  You get to create a profound sense of continuity in your relationship, really be in your clients world by recreating what they've said and accomplished, and keep meaningful creations alive and present.


And the client experience?


When presented with our own words and ideas, we pay attention.  Yes, it's not hard to fill out the usual blank pre-session form as preparation for our upcoming coaching call ("How's it been going since last time?", but it's a vastly different experience to interact with an inquiry that contains our own words ("After last session you said you were taking on ___________.  How's that gone since then?"

See the articles within to learn more about the design and usage of Reflections in your coaching style.

See within: