
Reflections In Action

Once you've designed your Reflections in your template content, the real magic is when that template is ultimately presented to you or your client.

Let's see how that works in action.

Worksheet Assignments

At the moment when a Worksheet is assigned to your client, that is when CA will sweep through the content and insert any Reflections present.  This includes:
  • A manually assigned Worksheet that is going out to them immediately
  • When a manually scheduled Worksheet's assigning date comes around
  • A Worksheet going out as part of a Course
  • A Worksheet that is going out as scheduled as either a pre- or post-Appointment Worksheet

Session Notes

When you as coach start composing Session Notes from a Session Notes Template that itself contains Reflections, those Reflections will be immediately inserted.


When you as coach have a Whiteboard in your home Whiteboards area, you are able to add Reflections.  Since a Whiteboard there has no particular tie to any client, CA will NOT insert any client responses for those Reflections, BUT if you were to 
clone that Whiteboard into one or more of your clients, then at that time those Reflections will be filled in for each respective client.

Course Content

Course Page Content in particular will be filled in for the participant client of that Course at the time they visit (and thus are able to view) that Page Content.  For Group Course participations, the Page Content will be tailored to the individual client (group member) viewing it.

Other Course Items, such as Worksheets and Whiteboards, will be filled in for the respective client at dispatch time.