
Worksheet Reminders

When assigning a Worksheet, you can set a due date and time with multiple Reminders. Reminders put your client one click away from hopping into their account with the worksheet loaded front-and-center, ready to be worked on.
Set these Reminders to be sent to you and or your client via email or, if you and your client are in the USA, UK, Canada, or Australia, SMS text message.

Already-Completed Items

If your client has already completed the worksheet?  Not to worry: Reminders will NOT be sent for a worksheet if it has already been marked complete.

But, what if your client didn't complete the Worksheet when they were first notified, or any of the times they were reminded? Not to worry, once a worksheet becomes late the system can send both you and your client a Notification letting you both know.

Reminders After the Due Date

If you'd like a reminder to go out after the Worksheet was due, you can set a reminder for a negative number. For example: if you want a reminder to go out 1 day after the Worksheet was due, set a reminder for -1 days before (which means 1 day after).
