
Multiple Currencies

If you bill clients in more than one currency, you can accept those multiple currencies in CoachAccountable. You've got several spots to enable various currencies.

Setting Up Multiple Currencies

Go to Business Center >> Setup >> Invoicing Config to set this up. Your first option will be to choose your main currency. Then click "Actually, we bill in several currencies..." to choose additional currencies.
Use the checkboxes to select any other currencies you bill in. 
Note that the listed options are those supported by Stripe or Square. 

Per-Client Currency

When you choose more than one, only then will you find the option to specify currency (from among those chosen) in certain other places: for given clients, Offerings, and Engagements.

You can set the preferred invoicing currency for a given client by finding them in the My Clients listing and clicking on their gear icon.  In the “Manage Client” pop up that appears, you’ll find the setting under Settings >> Preferences:
Once set for a client, all invoices you manually create for that client will be in their preferred currency.

Offerings in Multiple Currencies

When setting the price for your Offerings, IF you have your account configured for multiple currencies, you’ll see a link by which to set the currency for that price.  Click it, and the menu will appear.

Engagements in Multiple Currencies

Setting the currency for the invoices of an Engagement and Engagement Template works the same way: if you’re configured to transact in more than one currency, you’ll find the place to choose which one.


Note that the currency set for an Offering or Engagement takes precedence over the currency set for a client: if a client is set for GB Pounds, for example, but is enrolled into an Engagement which entails invoicing in euros, those engagement invoices will be issued in euros.


Also note the presence of “$USD” in above example: the system won’t ALWAYS clutter up the display with those 3-letter currency codes, but if a currency you’ve chosen could be one of several that use the same symbol (in this case, “$” which could refer to US or Canadian dollars), CA will automatically adjust the display in order to disambiguate.



Different Offerings for Different Markets

If you have customers in different countries who are to be charged in different currencies, you might make multiple sets of Offerings (and/or Engagements), each one priced appropriately for their respective market and currency.  You can do this quickly by setting up an Offering (or Engagement) in one currency and making a clone that varies only in pricing.

From there, it’s up to you to make the correct set of Offerings available to the right people. You might, for example, create two Offering Collections, one for Canadian customers and another for US customers.



Currencies and Your Payment Processor for Online Payments

If you’re set up to accept payments from your customers online (via your chosen payment processor, Square or Stripe), the currencies in which you can accept those payments are a matter between you, your payment processor, and your bank. So be certain that the currencies you pick are actually ones you can accept payments in!

If you’re not processing payments online, you’re free to choose whichever currencies you like (as you’ll be manually recording payments received by some other channel).


Reporting in Multiple Currencies

It’s nice to see the sum total of invoicing actions in your account, and CoachAccountable offers plenty of places to do that.  Having multiple currencies amid your business transactions makes totaling the numbers a little hairier but not insurmountable.  CA handles this by listing items all together but showing currency-specific totals broken out at the bottom:

